Currently Enrolling

KU Weight Management Programs

KU Weight Management Programs currently have locations in Kansas City and Lawrence.

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After you complete the link above, you will be invited to attend a free Orientation.

Phase I - Weight Loss

Phase I is a structured 12-24 week long weight loss program which utilizes a combination of prepackaged entrees, shakes as well as fruits and vegetables and regular physical activity. While in his program, participants receive a comprehensive, evidence-based curriculum to learn the foundation of skills necessary for healthy weight control. Additionally, weekly group meetings provide accountability and social support, two key components of long-term success. *Fees apply

Very Low Calorie Diet: This 500-800 calorie plan consists of meal replacement shakes to accelerate weight loss while under medical supervision.

Low Calorie Diet: This eating plan provides a 1200-1500 calorie diet consisting of shakes, entrees, fruits and vegetables, and medical supervision is optional. The target weight loss goal is 10-15% of the participant's initial body weight.

Phase II - Weight Management

Phase II is a structured program which uses meal planning to support individual weight management goals. This program is available to anyone who has been successful in any weight management program and desires social support and additional accountability. Phase II is a continuously running program with no specified end point. Individuals may join at any time. *Fees apply

To learn more about this project you can click on Contact Weight Management for phone, email and project coordinator information. We look forward to hearing from you!